Animal Communication? All about Katheleen Daigle

This Episode will be a little different than the others we have had before, God placed it on my heart to share more about myself, and my purpose. I will admit this was a little difficult for me emotionally to talk about the highs, lows, and all my gratitude. There are so many questions about animal communication and in this episode I answer the frequently asked questions!


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To have a communication with your animal:

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Imagine you could have all the tools you need to feel more confident in all aspects in your life and with your horse:

You would like to take your life to another level? We can do it together in my Private Coaching program: 


Looking for my book, Horse Konfidence: Tools to improve your life through an Animal Communicator’s journey, here are 5 ways you can get it:

1- USA ONLY: Autographed copy of the Paperback version with free shipping

2- Everywhere in the world: Paperback copy from Amazon

3- Electronic copy from Amazon

4- Audible from amazon

5- French version All the details and links are here:


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